AviaTor Articles
What can AviaTor do for you?
AviaTor was conceptualised as a tool which would improve the efficiency of Law Enforcement Agency's investigations into child sexual abuse and exploitation by prioritising all aspects of NCMEC reports. In doing so, its primary purpose is to enable law enforcement to focus on identifying perpetrators and saving victims.
By listening to the views and experiences of law enforcement agencies throughout the process to improve and adapt the tool, the project team have ensured that this tool suits the needs of the people who will use it. Two and a half years after the project began (June 2021), what are are some of the benefits of AviaTor?
Improving LE Wellness: The stress and psychological impact on Law Enforcement (LE) of the impossible workload of manually performing all of the search activity to identify offenders is huge. By reducing the amount of labour required, AviaTor plays a crucial role in improving LE wellness.
Preventing Bias: A lot of research is performed by the tool before LEAs identify new indicators or make judgements about the dangerousness of a person. This can help avoid crucial errors.
Avoiding Lost Data: LEAs must work against the clock to get data which helps identify the perpetrator before the data retention time lapses and it is no longer accessible. AviaTor indicates this information with the report, meaning LEAs are able to prioritize cases before it’s too late.
Making the Impossible Possible: AviaTor can help countries without the infrastructure to handle large volumes of reports, putting LEA back in control of overwhelming numbers of reports.
*Benefits as described by Law Enforcement Officers already using the tool.
The Future of AviaTor
AviaTor is currently going up for a second phase of funding (June 2020). If successful, these are some of the things the team will be working on.
- Ensure AviaTor is completely sustainable and functional.
- Develop advanced AI for text and video analysis.
- Drive collaboration among LEA, Europol, INTERPOL, and industry.
- Publish yearly reports including statistics and findings on industry reporting.
- Onboard at least 25 national LEAs.
- Conduct a legal review into EU law and policies influencing the project.
With continued funding AviaTor can provide a solution for now and for the future.
Learn more about what AviaTor is here, or for Law Enforcement Agencies wishing to signing up for a demo, click here.

Learn more about what AviaTor is here, or for Law Enforcement Agencies wishing to signing up for a demo: click here