AviaTor Articles
Innovative tech in the law enforcement space
Law Enforcement (LE) is reacting to the significant volume of industry reports which will only increase over time. In 2021 alone, over 29 million reports of potential Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) were received, putting an unsustainable workload on Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). We see that LEAs are still conducting a large chunk of their investigatory work using manual and labour-intensive processes that not only take time but vary from person to person. This makes it more challenging to prioritise the insurmountable scale of reports that require immediate action, but the greater challenge is making the right choice. Therefore, the need for for a prioritisation tool to swiftly identify perpetrators and children in danger is required.
Streamlining the investigatory process
AviaTor streamlines this challenge, providing an automatized and efficient way for LEAs to process, assess and prioritise NCMEC reports. With the access we have to identifiable information online, targeted online research is imperative for today’s investigations. This is a key part of the AviaTor tool that assists LEA by gathering intelligence. Extracting the most significant leads allows for the streamlining of the process because elements that you would use to create a profile (IP address, email, location, nickname, etc) and start an investigation are easily assessable.
What value can AviaTor bring to your team?
LEA Wellness: The high-stress workload of manually performing search activities to identify perpetrators has a psychological impact on LE. AviaTor reduces this labour intensive process, which plays a critical role in LE wellness.
Data loss prevention: LEAs work hastily to obtain data which helps identify perpetrators before the data retention time lapses and is no longer available. By indicating this information in the report, LEAS can prioritise cases before it’s too late.
Bias prevention: Extensive research is performed by the tool before LEAs identify new indicators or make judgements about the imminent danger of an individual, which can help avoid crucial errors.
Large capacity: Countries without the infrastructure to handle large volumes of reports can do so with AviaTor, which will put LEA back in control of the overwhelming numbers.
AviaTor was designed as a long-term solution to be incorporated into the day-to-day. Since it was conceptualised in 2019, AviaTor is currently in its 2nd Phase and focused on further tool efficiencies. Various LEAs across Europe utilise the tooling to improve their quality of reporting, identify victims and keep the wider community safe. Streamline your law enforcement efforts and help identify victims more effectively by signing up for AviaTor today.
If you’re a Law Enforcement Agency Representative and would like to learn more about how AviaTor can benefit your team, sign up for a demo here.

Now more than ever, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) require a prioritisation tool to help manage the increasing workload and rescue victims in a timely manner.