
Join our user community consisting of 20 LEA from around the world and upgrade your NCMEC report workflow to an elevated standard.

No matter the size or developmental phase your LEA unit is in - AviaTor will help you advance.

# *Advance*

How every size LEA can benefit

Starting/smaller sized LE units

Starting/smaller sized LE units

A complete database solution

AviaTor offers smaller and newly set up units with a locally installed plug-and-play software solution for processing NCMEC reports. This will give you access to a searchable database as a basic feature containing innovative technology like AI and OSINT.

Join our network

By becoming part of the AviaTor community you get to work with other national law enforcement teams and technology developers. You will get access to online and offline meetings and events funded by the European Commission.

Medium sized LE units

Medium sized LE units

Increase your capacity

AviaTor can streamline your current workflow process and has the ability to include any existing backlog. This will increase your unit's capacity and give you the necessary upgrades to deal with the growing number of incoming NCMEC reports.

Prioritise NCMEC reports

Prioritise your reports based on the indicators you choose. AviaTor helps you identify reports that have high or lower priority. Giving you the ability to focus your capacity on the reports that have the highest priority.

Larger sized and experienced LE units

Larger sized and experienced LE units

Implement new technology

AviaTor offers the functionality to connect your internal database with hash lists. It can be a great addition to your existing software framework and will give your team access to the latest AI (Artificial Intelligence) and OSINT (open-source intelligence) technology.

Share your knowledge

Fighting CSAM requires working together across borders. By joining the AviaTor community you can play a vital role in the support of your LE peers. We bring together LEA with the aim to learn, improve and work together.

Starting/smaller sized LE units

Level 1 - limited resources and capacity

Starting/smaller sized LE units

1. Upgrade database software

AviaTor provides starting units - often times dealing with limited resources and capacity - with a fully operational database solution for NCMEC reports. Upgrading to a database means a huge increase in capacity. Manual work is minimised and work can be done much more efficiently, and therefore faster.

2. Your AviaTor installation

The database software functions on a stand-alone basis, meaning each LEA has its own unique version running that can be fully customised. During our product demo, the developers will take you through the necessary hardware requirements to install AviaTor.

3. Connect all reports

Both new as well as any backlog of NCMEC reports can be imported directly into the system. AviaTor will provide you with a searchable database as basic functionality, with added prioritisation tools that you control. AviaTor will find and connect similar identifiers between reports, based on your specifications.

4. Get access to events

As part of the AviaTor user group you become part of an international community of LEA using the tool. You will get access to peer-to-peer events where you can share feedback and learn best practices from LEA from other countries.

Level 2 - ready to increase capacity

Medium sized LE units

1. Start prioritising reports

AviaTor is completely customisable to your LEAs needs. Sort NCMEC reports based on the indicators you set, find matching IP addresses, identify the use of proxy servers or search within all reports for specific usernames to connect cases.

2. AI to protect your staff's welfare

AviaTor uses visual intelligence software to identify reports containing the same material. Previously reported material is recognised through hash listing and PhotoDNA. Media can be blurred by default to prevent unnecessary staff exposure to harmful content.

3. Innovative OSINT integration

Connect open-source intelligence (OSINT) with your NCMEC reports. AviaTor can find associated social media profiles and instantly show their status. You can prioritise your reports by using OSINT to identify high-risk offenders.

4. Identify lower-priority reports

When (suspected) CSAM goes viral it can lead to thousands of non-actionable reports. AviaTor provides you with the tools to quickly identify these reports (as well as find and mark duplicate reports) and prioritise accordingly. This will minimise the amount of time lost on processing these reports.

Medium sized LE units
Larger sized and experienced LE units

level 3 - implement advanced TECH and share EXPERIENCEs

Larger sized and experienced LE units

1. Lead by example

Your team will be an important partner within the AviaTor user community by sharing their knowledge and best practices. They can play a vital role by providing feedback and testing new functionalities based on their experience and capacity.

2. Implement hash lists

AviaTor uses visual intelligence software to identify reports containing the same material. Previously reported material is recognised through hash listing and PhotoDNA. You can implement different sets of hash lists directly into your AviaTor database.

3. Connect your database

Our developers will help you connect and implement AviaTor to your current database system. This allows you to use AviaTor as an add-on to the tools you are currently using. Previous cases can be inventoried by AviaTor to find connections to current or future cases.

4. Build your network

The AviaTor community meets twice a year during peer-to-peer learning events. The focus of these meetings is knowledge sharing and building new network connections. In addition, the AviaTor Forum takes place in Brussels in 2024 and will bring together international stakeholders.

find out for yourself what AviaTor can do for your LEA

Schedule a free demo

If you are a law enforcement agency representative and are interested in learning more about AviaTor, please schedule a free demonstration of the AviaTor software.

Our technological partners from ZiuZ Visual Intelligence and Web-IQ will reach out to you and plan your online demo meeting.

During the demo they will take you through all of AviaTor's functionalities and show you how the tool works. Together, you will explore how AviaTor can advance your organisation or unit to a higher level.

Our demonstration is without obligation and free of charge and is done through online meeting.

Schedule a free demo
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Are you interested in CSAM industry reporting prioritisation tooling, visual intelligence, open-source intelligence and hash listing?

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