AviaTor Articles
Number of AviaTor users worldwide keeps increasing
The AviaTor database aims to help local law enforcement agencies process the growing number of NCMEC reports. By working smarter and using technology such as automated prioritisation, visual intelligence and OSINT, investigators can make informed decisions as to which reports needs to be prioritised and processed first. Since the start of the AviaTor project in 2019, the group of LEA users has been increasing.
In 2024, the AviaTor database has many LEA users from around the world, at different stages of the implementation process. Users who have signed the agreement and are either in the testing phase or the first stages of implementation include the Netherlands, Finland, Estonia, Slovakia, the United Arab Emirates, India, Portugal, Switzerland, Hungary, the United Kingdom, and Romania. Additionally, LEAs in Denmark, Croatia, Ukraine, the United States and Germany have expressed interest in the tool.
Five law enforcement agencies, in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Moldova, Greece and Belgium have completed AviaTor’s testing phase and are using it as part of their daily operations. All five daily users of the tool are reporting positive experiences with the implementation and operation of AviaTor, expressing how it positively affected their workflow and report processing capacity.
Different legislations mean different needs
One of the challenges of designing one tool to be used by LEAs worldwide is the differences in legislation. What is considered illegal in one country, will not necessarily be illegal in another, requiring differing assessment features.
To address this, the tool was designed to be customisable to the specific needs of each national jurisdiction. AviaTor also takes into account differing laws on data retention, catering to the needs of each individual case. The tool automatically prioritises reports with shorter data retention time to allow LEAs enough time to request additional information about the report. The ability to customise the tool to their needs is what makes AviaTor unique and easy to use.
If you are interested in learning more about the AviaTor tool, come see the tool in action during the AviaTor Forum on June 26th in Brussels, or apply for a private demo.

If you are interested in learning more about the AviaTor tool, come see the tool in action during the AviaTor Forum on June 26th in Brussels, or apply for a private demo.